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A new year… and with the new year comes new things, new changes, and new opportunities.

Today, my wife started something new.  She went back to doing morning radio, something she hasn’t done in over ten years.  With this new show came nerves, but also new energy, a energy I haven’t seen in her for a few years.  She had so much energy she painted the studio without asking her boss for permission.  She just went in and did it.  I guess working at the same place for 17 years gives you courage to change things without asking [update: I just heard the big boss hates the change… ha ha].

Before my wife went back on the air to celebrate the new show.  My daughter made an awesome cake, and we all stuffed our faces.


As this year begins, I like the new changes so far, and I’m looking to make some changes in my own life.  Here’s to 2015, and here are some pictures of the new studio!



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